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Laser Hair Removal

LASER Hair Removal

Does laser hair removal hurt?

In most cases the pain is very minimal, especially when compared to waxing .
The best way to explain the feeling is quick little rubber band snaps . Of course, your personal pain tolerance also comes into factor .

Can I get laser if I have blond or white hair?

Unfortunately the laser only picks up on dark pigmented hair. The only other form of permanent hair removal available for light hair would be electrolysis.

How many laser treatments does it take to permanently remove hair?

Usually it takes 8-12 sessions but everyone’s process can be different depending on their hair density, color , and growth .

What Machine Do You Use?

Cynosure Elite is one of the best hair removal lasers on the market. Laser is also the best way to get rid of unwanted hair long-term. The darker the hair, the easiest it is for the laser to do its job. The clinical proven 755 nm Alexandrite laser's high melanin absorption characteristics and proven long-term results make it a wavelength for excellent hair reduction, permanently reducing hair by an average of 79% after just three treatments.

I have a dark olive skin tone, is this laser good for me?

The Cynosure system allows it to safely and effectively treat even the darkest skin tones. And if you have a combination of dark skin and hair, don't despair- the  laser can eliminate unwanted hair on clients with both dark skin and hair.

Wood therapy / Lymphatic Drainage

How do I prepare for a massage ?

Make sure you are hydrated and have not eaten 2 hours before your massage .

How many sessions do you need to see results?

Each of our treatments will focus on each person's individual problem areas.
Great for Post Liposuction!
The recommended amount of treatments are 8-12 massages , 2-3x per week.

What are the benefits of wood therapy?

Wood therapy eliminates , reduces, and molds stored fats in different parts of the body.
It is particularly helpful to breakdown stubborn fat and cellulite.

Teeth Whitening

teeth whitening

Are the results instant?

Most see their desired outcome immediately after
in-office whitening procedure. The procedure takes 1 hour for the best results .

How many sessions a year do I need?

Everyone is different depending on the shade you are starting with. Recommended treatment is once or twice per year.

After care for Teeth Whitening?

The first 48hrs are crucial!
Avoid colored food and drinks.
Avoid meals / drinks that are too hot or too cold .
Cut out Tobacco.

What usually stains teeth?

  • Tea and coffee. Tea (including green tea) and coffee contain tannins, which cause staining.

  • Red wine. Drinking red wine is one of the most common causes of tooth staining.

  • Cola. The dark colouring of cola can cause staining. It also contains acids that can wear away your enamel, making cola a definite no for your teeth.

  • Fruit juices. Dark-coloured fruit juices, such as cranberry, blueberry and grape juice are liable to leave stains on your teeth.

  • Tomato-based sauces. Tomatoes are a great source of many important nutrients. But the pigment causing their deep red colour makes them a key offender for staining.

  • Curry. Curries can have strong, deep colouring and often contain turmeric, which can cause staining. So it’s no wonder that eating lots of curries can leave behind tell-tale signs on your teeth.

  • Balsamic vinegar. It may make a tasty salad dressing, but the deep pigmentation in balsamic vinegar means you need to watch out for its effects on your teeth.

  • Soy sauce. It’s a classic addition to any good stir-fry, but the dark colouring of soy may linger on your teeth long after your meal’s finished.

  • Berries. Eating fruit such as berries can be a great way to get your five-a-day. But as healthy as they may be, berries are another tooth-staining culprit.

  • Beetroot. Beetroot contains lots of vitamins and minerals, and there have been claims about its health benefits. But if you’ve ever handled beetroot, you’ll know just how much it can stain.

How can you prevent your teeth from staining?

  • Some people’s teeth stain more easily than others. This can be caused by levels of enamel (the coating that protects our teeth), genetics, and even how much saliva we have. But the biggest factor that increases your risk of tooth staining is poor oral hygiene. The good news is that this is something you can improve.

  • Here are seven simple oral hygiene steps you can take to help keep your teeth sparkling white.

  • If you have staining because you consume a lot of a certain food or drink, try to limit it or look for alternatives. Could you substitute a normal cup of tea for a light herbal tea or flavoured hot water?

  • Rinse your mouth with water after eating or drinking something that may stain your teeth.

  • Use a straw when drinking cold drinks like cola or juice that may stain your teeth.

  • Chewing gum that contains xylitol (a sugar substitute) can help to stimulate more saliva, which cleanses your mouth.

  • Eat plenty of crunchy fruit and vegetables, like apples, carrots and celery. They boost saliva and scrub your teeth, acting as natural stain removers.

  • Make sure you’re brushing your teeth twice a day, and as recommended by your dentist.

  • See your dentist or hygienist as frequently as they advise. They may recommend some products you can try to reduce staining. They can also tell you more about any services they may offer, such as professional cleaning or tooth whitening.

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